(Words of Wisdom from Women of Faith) :)
I just remembered two more “truths” from the Women of Faith conference that I thought were encouraging and profound, and I wanted to share them with you. I know the first one was from Sandi Patty, but I’m not sure about the second one.
“When God closes a door, He’s not saying, ‘No’ to your dreams; He’s saying, ‘Yes’ to a dream you can’t see yet.” Love, love, LOVE that!!! How many times have I thought that the Lord was saying, “No” to my dreams because they weren’t really a part of His plan. It’s so much more encouraging to realize that He’s saying, “Yes” to a dream I will have later but can’t see yet!
“If you still have air in your lungs, that means that you have not yet accomplished the purpose God has for you on this earth, which means that the best part of your life is still yet to come!”