Today, Landon earned 4 stars. He's been doing great at not "arguing and complaining" or telling us "No" when we tell him to do something. Tonight, though, he really surprised me.
We've been reminding him about the stars every time he starts to tell us "No" when we tell him to do something. We'll tell him something like, "It's time to go inside and clean up for supper." When he starts to whine, we'll say, "Remember, you can shine like a star…" He usually perks up, smiles real big, and comes right with us. We, then, go straight to our star stickers and praise him for obeying what the Bible teaches…to do everything without complaining or arguing. Tonight was different, though.
We were brushing his teeth, getting ready for bed. He had already earned a star just moments before when he chose not to argue (with a gentle reminder) and to leave his toys to come brush his teeth. While I was brushing his teeth, he took the toothbrush away from me and said that he wanted to do it. I told him he could have a turn while I drained the bathtub and put away his bath toys; then it would be my turn again (he can't really brush them effectively yet). When it was my turn again, he started to protest. Then, before I said anything, his eyes got big and he said "Tarrr" (star) and handed me the toothbrush. Hallelujah! He gets it! I smiled and told him that yes, he was shining like a star and he could get a star sticker as soon as we were done brushing his teeth. I hugged him and told him how happy he was making God and Mommy because he was choosing to obey God's Word and shine like the Bible teaches.
I am so thankful that God laid this idea on my heart! It has been so refreshing to see Landon's attitude changing and his behavior improving. My prayer is that his heart is changing, too!
Don't get me wrong. He still says, "No." He still has fits. We still have to discipline him quite often. I often find myself in a situation and think, "Oh no! I'm not sure about the best way to handle this!" Sometimes, I do what I think is best, and it's a big flop! Sometimes, I try something, and it seems to work. Sometimes, I pray about it; and God seems to be saying, "Let's see what you come up with." Other times, I feel Him guiding me very specifically in how to handle the situation. It's a daily process. I'm learning so much along the way. I think God is using this process to teach me as much as He is to teach Landon. I pray that my heart will be as moldable as Landon's!
A little teacher tidbit…if you are interested in using this idea…older children who are not as impressed with stickers may need some extra motivation. If Landon were older, I might have the stickers on a chart and when he earned 10 stickers, he got a certain prize. Then, when he earned 20 stickers, he got another prize. Etc. Of course, don't loose sight of the fact that we are trying to motivate them obey out of their love for God and their desire to please Him. So, really focus on the fact that they are obeying God's Word and making Him happy. I like to tell Landon that he is making God smile because I fully believe that he is. I also don't just say, "You earned a star!" I tell him that he is shining like a star because he is obeying God's Word/obeying what the Bible teaches.