Why I Started This Blog:
God told me to! - What better inspiration can one have than to be inspired by the Lord? The primary reason for my starting this blog is that God has laid it on my heart. I’ve been putting it off for a while now for “excellent” reasons...such as: I’m too busy, I barely keep up with the blog I already have, What if people don’t like what I have to say, etc. However, God wouldn’t let me off the hook. Every time I took time to spend with Him and actually paused long enough to hear Him (which, I’ll admit was not as often as I should have), I felt Him calling me to do this.
“Spiritual Markers” are important for our own spiritual walk! – The first part of Deuteronomy 4:9 says that we should “Be careful, and watch [ourselves] so that [we] do not forget the things [our] eyes have seen or let them slip from [our] hearts as long as [we] live.” God knew that the Israelites would turn from Him and rebel against Him (and thus miss out on His blessings) if they did not take time to remember all that He had done for them. If you’ve read the scriptures, you know that this is exactly what happened time and time again. In order to truly experience hope and the peace that passes understanding as well as showers of blessings, we need to remember all that God has already done. This blog is my way of recording what God is teaching me so that I can go back to it in the future and remember what God has brought me through, what He’s taught me, and what He’s done in me, through me, and for me!
“Spiritual Markers” are important for our children and the future of our world! – The second part of Deuteronomy 4:9 says, “Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” If we do not tell our children about what an awesome God we serve - about what we’ve seen Him do in our lives and in others’ - who will??? What hope do we have of leading our children to a relationship with the Lord if we cannot tell them about what a difference He’s made in our own lives. Not only are we their first and most influential role models, but we are their God-given teachers & examples. God placed us in the position as their parents because He trusted us to teach them about Him and to model for them what it means to follow Him. We are to be HIM to THEM!
So why blog? Why not just keep a private notebook/journal?
It’s a way to reach others! – I know I have often been encouraged, challenged, convicted, and inspired by what God is teaching others; and I hope this blog will do the same. I’m not promising any theological prowess here...I’m just journaling what God is teaching me – what I’m going through and learning. I hope that maybe someone out there will be going through the same thing and will benefit from reading this blog. I also hope that people will leave comments expounding upon what I’ve posted – maybe something God brought to their mind as they were reading or something they learned when they were going through a similar experience or something they’ve read or heard that applies to the post.
It’s a way of holding myself accountable! - I’ve kept a spiritual journal off and on throughout my Christian walk. I have a little notebook I keep by my bed with my Bible. In it, I write verses I’m memorizing, prayer requests, prayers, lessons God is teaching me, etc. However, I am not always good at keeping up with it. So, I hope to do better with this blog. My prayer is that visitors and followers of this blog will visit often, and that if they ever find that it’s been a while since my last post, I hope they’ll ask me what God is teaching me lately.
It’s a way of motivating myself! – Since starting my first blog in January, I’ve discovered that I love to blog. I’m a social person; and as a stay at home mom, blogging is a great way for me to share my experiences with family and friends (when it’s convenient for me) and get comments and responses to those experiences. It’s also a great outlet for me to express my thoughts, feelings, concerns, etc when the only conversations I have all day are dominated by baby babble...which I love, by the way! :)
It’s quicker! - I type faster than I write; so, I’m hoping I’ll be more motivated to type a quick post than I have been to write a journal entry.
What should you expect from this blog?
As I mentioned before, this is not going to be a platform for theological study or debate or for sermons or anything like that. This is simply where I will record what God is saying to me. It may be a verse that has been especially meaningful or helpful to me lately. It may be a realization that God has laid on my heart or a lesson that He’s taught me through His word or through my experiences lately. It may be musings on the Sunday sermon or lists of answered prayers. Who knows?? It will just be a hodgepodge of spiritual stuff from my heart – a record of “HIS Word to Me.”
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