This is a devotional that I wrote for our church. We were asked to choose our favorite verse and write a devotional that followed a certain format. I had a tough time choosing a verse, because I have sooo many favorite verses. However, lately, this is the one that has kind of been my “theme verse.” I just thought I’d share it with you guys.
Key Verses: “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15a,c)
Main Idea: Serving God is a choice. It is deliberate.
Reflection: Most of us, especially those of us who live in the southern states known as the “Bible Belt,” would say that we want to serve God and that we want our households to serve God. However, that’s usually as far as it goes – we say we want to serve God. We may even go through all the right motions. We go to church; we say “grace” before our meals; we tithe and give money to other worthy causes. But are we really serving the Lord, or are we just going through the motions?
In Joshua 24:15, Joshua gives the people of Israel an ultimatum. He tells them to make a choice – whom will they serve – the one true Lord or the gods/idols of their ancestors? You are faced with that choice as well. Whom will you serve – the one true Lord or the idols of our day?
Our idols are not the same today as they were in Joshua’s time. Very few of people in our society have carved images of false gods that they actually pray to and bow down to (though some do). Most commonly, our idols are things like work, money, power, prestige, pride, social class, church involvement, even family – anything that takes a place of prominence before the Lord in our hearts and lives.
I know in my own life, I struggle to keep my priorities in order. I am a new mom, and the duties of mom and wife often take precedence over serving the Lord. I mean, let’s face it, I don’t have the time or the energy to spend hours in prayer and Bible study when I have a toddler at my feet, dishes in the sink, laundry in the washer, etc. None of us have “extra” time to allot for Bible study and prayer. So, what do we do? How do we serve the Lord when it seems like we barely have the time and energy to do what has to be done?
The answer is just what Joshua told the Israelites – we must choose.
· We must choose to spend time with God. – I once heard someone say that time spent with the Lord could never be better spent doing something else. Choose to spend time with the Lord. Get up early or stay up late. Close yourself in the office for lunch and spend that time in prayer. Choose to ride with the radio off or worship music playing so that you can pray while you drive (with your eyes open, of course J).
· We must choose to throw away our idols. – Anything that you put before God in your heart must be thrown out (or put in its rightful place). If it is something sinful like pride, repent and ask God to help you rid your life of it; then take steps to do that. If it is something good like family, ask God to help you put it in the prioritized order where it belongs – after Him; then, take steps to do just that.
· We must choose to serve God in all that we do. – 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Serve God in the office by having a good attitude when the copy machine “eats” your document or when you don’t get the account you’ve been trying to get. Serve God in the car by being patient when someone cuts you off or goes ten miles an hour under the speed limit when you are in a hurry. Serve God at home by praying for your family as you fold their clothes or cook their dinner.
So, choose for yourself this day whom you will serve; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
Discussion Questions:
1. What are some idols in your life?
2. Are these things that you need to throw out or re-prioritize?
3. What are some ways that you can serve the Lord in your daily activities?
Read Joshua 24:1-15. In verses 1-13, Joshua reminds the children of Israel about all the Lord has done for them. Then, in verses 14-15, he tells them to throw away their idols and to serve the Lord. Take time as a family to list the things God has done in your lives individually and as a family. Write them down. At the bottom of the list, write our key verse for today, Joshua 24:15a,c: “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Now, place this somewhere in your home where you will see it, and it can serve as a daily reminder of whom you serve and why.
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